Use "struggle|struggled|struggles|struggling" in a sentence

1. An actor struggles to die onstage, but a puppet has to struggle to live.

2. Adman is a place for stories of people who are struggling, or have struggled and gotten through.

3. Republican leaders struggled to come to terms with popular sentiment; some wanted passionate armed struggle; others a more reasoned approach.

4. Women participate in the national liberation struggle and have never considered they should be struggling to liberate themselves from men.

5. Stop struggling.

6. The bandit struggled desperately.

7. Redistributive struggles displace productive ones.

8. Sure, they had their struggles.

9. Stop struggling, fool.

10. The mare struggles, writhes, strains.

11. Both entered epic foreign struggles to protect weak allies from threatening aggressors (for Rome, the Punic Wars with Carthage, 264 BC–146 BC; for America, the struggle to save Europe, 1918–19.

12. He's struggling to breathe.

13. All struggles should have their recompense.

14. Stravinsky struggled financially during this period.

15. He struggled to stifle a yawn.

16. The shopkeeper struggled with the thief.

17. He struggled to contain his resentment.

18. She struggled to articulate her thoughts.

19. She struggled to recover her equilibrium.

20. He struggled to overcome his shyness.

21. I struggled to regain some dignity.

22. For a split second, she struggled.

23. I struggled with many conflicting emotions.

24. 13 She struggled from his grip.

25. He struggled to formulate an answer.

26. The struggle over abortion is a struggle over decision-making.

27. The struggle over the calendar is also an intergenerational struggle.

28. I struggled to digest the news.

29. Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

30. You're struggling with the language.

31. Let youth glitter in struggling.

32. She spoke of her struggles with shyness.

33. Five lost years struggled on Daisy's lips.

34. She struggled to keep her self-control.

35. The rescuer group struggled through the snowstorm.

36. I've struggled for food and for money.

37. He struggled to preserve his ideological purity.

38. Delphine, mentioned earlier, likewise struggled with loneliness.

39. The doctors struggled to restart his heart.

40. 2 He struggled to stifle a yawn.

41. I struggled, he was just too strong.

42. Eileen struggled to unfold a large map.

43. She struggled to hold back her tears .

44. He struggled for mastery over his emotions.

45. But Dreenie still struggles with with Bluish…

46. His parents were struggling farmers.

47. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Becurse

48. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Acetable

49. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Apaesthesia

50. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Acylating

51. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Autonomously

52. His clumsy fingers struggled with the buttons.

53. 5 I struggled to regain some dignity.

54. The small boat struggled against the waves.

55. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Chowe

56. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Airting

57. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Awakeningly

58. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Affatuate

59. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Allegorister

60. They were struggling with mountainous debts.

61. Andiron Lecture Series - International Struggles for Democratic Education

62. 21 Solomon surveyed human toiling, struggles, and aspirations.

63. Family struggles beats a 4.0 G.P.A. any day.

64. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Bursitises

65. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Betrothable

66. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Boatbills

67. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Bibbler

68. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Backstroked

69. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Arapahite

70. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Antithesize

71. Rate the pronunciation struggling of Aestheticizing

72. Well, you know we've been struggling.

73. I was unemployed and struggling financially.

74. Even the country's struggles gave it a vibrancy.

75. As a child, I struggled with my disability.

76. struggled with his master and betrayed and heritage.

77. She struggled to get away from her attacker.

78. He struggled hard to control his unruly emotions.

79. 25 Imported machines struggled in the harsh conditions.

80. She struggled furiously but could not get away.